Both strong and fragile. The pulse of life of a branch or the vigor of a young shoot on an old tree, the flow of energy: a mirror for Man.
Then comes summer I 2016
Then comes summer II 2016
Softly beats the heart 2013
Softly beats the heart 2013
Lively spring IV 2015
Lively spring V 2015
Lively spring II 2014 - Lively spring I 2014 - Lively spring III 2014
Untitled 2015
Untitled 2015
Then comes summer III 2016
Silence I 2011
Silence II 2011
Celestial weavings I 2012
Celestial weavings II 2012
Verticals under influence I 2013
Verticals under influence II 2013
The delta of emeralds I 2013
The delta of emeralds II 2013
Waiting 2011
Sweet dream 2012
Don't worry, you are Unique 2014
Magmatic I 2012
Magmatic II 2012
.The trees of knowledge at a loss....
Sentinel waitng for a murmur of poetry 2015
Illusions and their tears moving towards other horizons 2015
Untitled 2014
Untitled 2015
Untitled 2015
Untitled 2015